Friday, November 20, 2009

Hair Color problem! (Hair filler?)?

Ok so about a month ago I had a huge hair coloring accident when my hair turned reddish orange instead of the light brown I chose. Well, idiot me decides to put in the highlights that came with the dye, thinking it would kind of down tone it, but it turned out that the whole crown part of my hair turned a neon orangish yellow and beneath it stayed the ugly red I began with.

In attempt to fix the problem, I dyed my hair the original dark ash brown that it was before. It covered it very well.

Now about a month or more later, the highlights on the top of my head are coming out again, and it is a very unnatural looking highlight compared to the other natural colors in my hair.

Someone suggested that I used a filler in my hair before I dyed it again, and with time continuous use of a filler would make the highlights less noticeable when my color fades. Are there any other suggestions or better ones? Tips maybe? Anything!?

Hair Color problem! (Hair filler?)?

I don't know if you're having your hair professionally done, but if you're not and just want to wait it out , try using BUMBLE %26amp; BUMBLE hair works great on roots. Found in most salons.

Hair Color problem! (Hair filler?)?

I'm sorry, but go to a hairstylist, it sounds like you've gotten yourself into a mess. At home haircolor NEVER turns out the right color and most people don't use enough. Long hair takes 2-3 boxes ladies.

Hair Color problem! (Hair filler?)?

put prune juice in it then condition it and dye it

Hair Color problem! (Hair filler?)?

i think that u should see a professional hair stylist because they will be able to help you i had the same problems with my hair like that and when i went into a hair salon they told me what i could do and they could even do it pretty cheap in most places

Hair Color problem! (Hair filler?)?

well if u its permanent dye then u hav no chance but i would like put ur ash brown color or wat ever its calledd for the highlites on the crown part of ur hair but im thinking u need to go to the salon to fix it

Hair Color problem! (Hair filler?)?

If you decide to use a filler, go to a professional, in fact, just go there and see what they can do about the red in your hair. Don't even try it again by yourself, because as you've just discovered, trying to fix things yourself when it comes to hair dye just ruins the whole thing.

This is what I did when I dyed my hair a little bit darker than I wanted; I just washed it several times over and over again with a dandruff shampoo, but this means that using a very good conditioner is essential, so please find one that will work well. If you use heat to style your hair, you are going to have to stop or your hair will just fall off. Now, I am just letting my hair grow out.

Don't worry, hair grows about six inches a year, so it won't be there forever and ever.

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