Saturday, November 28, 2009

Has anyone used that hair color stuff from the health store - Naturcolor?

I am leary about using something from a health food store to color my my local health food store..they have this product called Naturcolor.. Suppose to be all natural and health for the hair than other hair coloring stuff.. Has anyone used this? Any advice/information?

thanks.. It costs about $ don't want to purchase on a whim..

Has anyone used that hair color stuff from the health store - Naturcolor?

I use it, the light blonde one, i've used both this and the regular one. I find that other then it saves from damage it has no other advantage... i makes your hair dull ALLOT!

Has anyone used that hair color stuff from the health store - Naturcolor?

yeah it washed out about three days later when i went swimming in a freshwater lake :(

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